Back pain: causes, diagnosis, treatment and prevention


According to statistics, 80% of people know about back pain directly. More than a third of all "sick leave" issued is related to this problem. The reason can be considered as the weakness of the fragile muscles and their rapid growth. To identify problems, in addition to visual inspection, hardware diagnostics (X-ray, myography, CT, etc. ), laboratory blood tests are performed. Treatment is prescribed only after the diagnosis has been established.

Why does my back hurt?

Pain in the spine can occur immediately after injury, pathology of the vertebrae, ligaments and discs, soft tissue damage. It depends on the position of the body, the level of physical activity, but it can also be reflected, for example, in diseases of internal organs. To some extent, the back itself is exposed because of its structure.

It is based on the spine, which provides support, protective, motor and shock absorber functions. This is due to the cartilage of the intervertebral discs, muscles and ligaments, which tend to wear out over time with an improper lifestyle and cause degenerative diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

Inside the spinal space is the spinal cord, its paired roots invading almost all organs and tissues. Any disturbance in this complex system can cause pain. More often than others, the cervical and lumbar areas suffer because of the greatest load and mobility.

What to do with back pain?

Examination by a doctor is mandatory to find out the cause, especially if the pain has become frequent. Only a specialist can make a correct diagnosis and prescribe treatment. You should not engage in self -diagnosis.

First, you can contact a therapist who will identify a set of symptoms and refer you to the right specialist with a narrow profile. If the cause is known and clear, prescribed therapy can be continued. Back problems are treated by neurologists, orthopedists, and vertebrologists.

Causes of back pain

Back pain is a non -specific symptom that can have a variety of causes.

Physiological causes (common):

  • weight gain;
  • childbirth or recent pregnancy;
  • hypodynamic work - in the office, at the computer, driving a car;
  • standing work - hairdressers, waiters and salesmen, street advertisers, surgeons, teachers;
  • heavy physical activity in combination with sharp turns of the body;
  • overload in training;
  • after menopause with a predisposition to osteoporosis.

Pathological causes:

  • diseases of the spine (osteochondrosis, spondylosis, ankylosing spondylitis, tumors, arthritis, osteomyelitis, Reiter's syndrome) and spinal cord;
  • increasing pain - scoliosis and kyphosis;
  • infectious lesions of the spine;
  • osteoporosis, osteomalacia;
  • diseases of internal organs - kidneys, pancreas, stomach, spleen, liver;
  • atherosclerosis of the abdominal aorta.

Acute pain can occur with disc protrusion, spondyloarthritis, spinal cord epiduritis, osteochondrosis, intervertebral hernia, atypical appendicitis and intestinal obstruction, gallstones, fractures and sprains, spinal cord stroke, complement inflammation in men and women, and prostate cancer in women.

Various diseases according to the nature of back pain

Causes of painful pain:

  • hypothermia;
  • Crick;
  • myositis;
  • prolonged uncomfortable posture during sleep or work;
  • lumbago (labor being the cause);
  • osteochondrosis;
  • intervertebral hernia or displacement of the intervertebral disc due to sudden weight lifting or sharp rotation of the body;
  • kidney disease - causes back pain due to proximity of the kidneys to the lower back;
  • stomach ailments.

Causes of shooting pain:

  • intervertebral hernias - with them, the condition worsens with any physical stress;
  • sciatica - such back pain often occurs on one hand, radiates to the thighs or buttocks, causes numbness in the legs and also depends on physical effort;
  • osteochondrosis - the patient may experience excruciating pain that radiates to the legs and becomes worse with coughing, sneezing, straining, walking, bending over.

Etiology of throbbing pain:

  • osteochondrosis;
  • intervertebral hernia;
  • back pain;
  • spondylosis - is acute and cannot be eliminated with analgesics.

Ruptured back pain:

  • ischemia;
  • heart attack;
  • TELA;
  • inflammation of the gallbladder;
  • a sudden increase in stress;
  • atherosclerosis.

Why does my back hurt after sleep?

Most people often experience back pain in the morning after bed, which may be due to:

  • excessive load the day before, if you lift weights and move abruptly;
  • weak back muscles;
  • hypothermia;
  • vertebral hernia or osteochondrosis;
  • scoliosis - curvature of the spine leads to uneven muscle contraction;
  • pregnancy - thus the center of the body shifts;
  • obesity - the load on the spine is also uneven.

Sleep conditions are also important. The bed should not be too hard or soft - in any case, a person is forced to assume an uncomfortable and non -physiological position during sleep, which makes the muscles become too tense and do not rest at night. Posture is so important that even an orthopedic mattress doesn’t help. It is recommended to sleep on your back with legs raised.

Also, the cause of pain after sleep can be diseases of the spine and internal organs (urology, gastrointestinal tract, including oncology).

Diseases related to the joints and spine

All pathologies in which back pain occurs have the same basis - an uneven load on the spine. This includes:

  1. Ankylosing spondylitis - persistent inflammation of the ligaments and joints causing chronic spasm of the surrounding muscles. The process is autoimmune, over time, the vertebrae begin to grow together, which dramatically interferes with the work of the spine.
  2. Spondylolisthesis - the vertebrae are in an abnormal position. They are displaced and affect the brain or roots.
  3. Osteochondrosis - the intervertebral disc becomes thinner, cracked, replaced by bone tissue. Depreciation becomes impossible.
  4. Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune inflammation of the joints. More often affects the cervical spine.
  5. Osteomyelitis is an inflammation of the bone marrow and the soft tissues around it. It causes severe pain.
  6. Reiter’s disease is a simultaneous rheumatic lesion of the urogenital tract, joints and conjunctiva of the eye. The small muscles of the back are affected. More often typical for young people, it develops gradually. The pain is severe in the morning and diminishes in the evening.
  7. Spinal canal stenosis - the cause may be a herniated disc, protrusion (protrusion into the spinal canal). Often, the process involves the lowest root of the spinal cord, which invades the foot. The pain is felt from the lower back to the feet, and intensifies at rest and while walking.
  8. Facet syndrome is a lesion of the intervertebral joint (facet). The pain can be local, or radiate to the groin, tailbone, thighs. Dependent physically. In the evening, the situation worsened, after resting it improved. It is more common in the elderly.

Muscle -related diseases

Muscle tissue is affected secondarily, against the background of pathology of bone or joint tissue. Cramps and painful compaction appear in the muscles, mobility is impaired:

  1. Fibromyalgia is a syndrome of pain from the neck to the lower back. Neurological symptoms may accompany: increased sensitivity when pressing on a particular point in the back, stiffness and stiffness.
  2. Polymyositis - occurs with hypothermia, trauma, sprains or severe physical exercise. Muscle weakness appears, where even turning to the side is painful and problematic.
  3. Dermatomyositis is a chronic disease of muscles, organs, skin, often autoimmune in nature.
  4. Charcot’s disease is an inflammation of the peripheral nerves that run along the spine. This leads to changes in gait, muscle weakness and increased sensitivity of nerve roots.
  5. Polymyalgia rheumatica is an environmental negative in the form of hypothermia, overload, uncomfortable posture, and others. It leads to cramps in individual muscles and the appearance of pain. The so -called trigger point appears, by pressing where the muscle responds to the acute pain. Neurologists know about it. Such pain is relieved with a warming ointment and a needle applicator.

Spinal cord pathology

This includes violations of the spinal cord, which has 31 paired branches, where each nerve is responsible for the preservation of its site. This situation occurs when:

  • trauma (fracture of the spine);
  • tumor;
  • osteochondrosis or disc herniation;
  • inflammation due to abscesses, hematomas;
  • brain hemorrhage;
  • myositis;
  • mineral and vitamin deficiencies;
  • complications of HIV or neurosyphilis;
  • sclerosis.

Psychosomatic back pain

In recent years, back pain has begun to manifest itself in psychosomatics. In this case, with complaints of back pain, the examination did not reveal pathology. This condition occurs with chronic stress, depression, lack of libido. The result can be not only pain, but also changes in gait, lumbago deterioration and sensory disturbances.

Causes of back pain according to localization

Pain can occur in various parts of the back. Then they talked about its localization.

Pain in the right side

The right side of the back can be painful due to curvature of the spine, kyphosis, lordosis, myositis, displacement of the intervertebral disc, obesity.

Somatic pathology can also give pain in this area:

  • formation of calculi in the organs of the urinary system;
  • inflammation of the secular appendix (appendix);
  • inflammation of the gallbladder;
  • nephritis;
  • ovarian inflammation;
  • salpingitis.

Pain in the left side

This back can hurt when:

  • splenitis;
  • ICD;
  • pinch the roots;
  • duodenitis;
  • ooforitis.

Localized pain in the lower back may be associated with inflammation of the serous membranes covering the lungs, bronchial damage, intercostal neuralgia, ischemia.

Back pain

The lower back often suffers, because it has a very large load. This part becomes inflamed with damage to the nerve roots, osteochondrosis or protrusion of the hernia. Less commonly, the causes can be tuberculosis of the spine, arthritis, lumboischialgia, decreased density and violation of the structure of bone tissue, Reiter's syndrome - a combination of urethritis and prostatitis.

Low back pain is usually chronic.

In the lumbar region on the right

Low back pain occurs with scoliosis, tuberculosis, myositis, neuralgia, tumors, osteomyelitis, spondylitis. Acute attacks can be caused by urolithiasis or pyelonephritis.

Lumbago is a characteristic disease of the lower back with frequent involvement of the spinal roots in the process (radiculitis). Persistent dull and dull pain is more characteristic of organs such as the liver.

In the lumbar region on the left

Often, the left side begins to ache after doing physical exercise. The condition improved after resting. Also, pain can occur with diabetes, pinching the roots. If it does not disappear during the break, the reason may be:

  • scoliosis;
  • osteochondrosis (with an inactive lifestyle or incorrect posture);
  • vertebral infections;
  • circulatory disorders.

Nerves are pinched

More often the sciatic nerve is pinched - sciatica. In this case, the myelin sheath is not disturbed. This is usually a result of osteochondrosis. When pinched, a sharp and sharp pain occurs, radiating to the legs, sacrum, lower back.

With compression radiculopathy, the spinal nerve roots are also compressed due to a herniated disc or a decrease in its height and, consequently, the distance between the vertebral bodies. This pain is felt as "shallow", it increases sharply with coughing, energy or sneezing.

Intervertebral hernia

A hernia is the extrusion of the core of the intervertebral disc into the spinal canal. More often it is the result of untreated osteochondrosis. The middle part protrudes towards the spinal cord, squeezing it. Even a small load in such cases leads to a decrease in cartilage height and a greater protrusion of the hernia. The pain is sharp and sharp, with back to the arm or leg.

In the shoulder blade area

Pain features may indicate a diagnosis:

  1. Stomach ulcers - an increasingly dull pain. Eliminated by drugs.
  2. Intercostal neuralgia - this disease is characterized by acute pain with any physical exertion.
  3. Osteochondrosis - dizziness, pressure changes, numbness of the hands.
  4. Severity of angina pectoris - pain localized in the area of the left scapula, radiating to the chest and under the collarbone.

Pain along the spine and back

It usually occurs when the nerve endings are pinched. Exacerbation is associated with curvature of the spine. If the pain is not expressed, we can talk about protrusion. With increasing pain, you can think about osteochondrosis. Pain along the spine is typical for myositis, fractures, thinning and wear of the intervertebral disc, spondyloarthritis. They are always sharp and persistent.

Causes of back pain

Such pain is more often associated with osteochondrosis and spondyloarthrosis. Less often, such sensations can appear when:

  • diseases of the genital area in women (endometritis, adnexitis, vulvitis, cervix, oophoritis);
  • pregnancy;
  • menstruation;
  • ulcerative colitis;
  • appendix;
  • prostate or bladder disease - in men.

Related symptoms

The manifestations of spinal pain vary depending on the location. With the defeat of the cervical spine, migraines and dizziness, weakness and numbness of the hands, pressure surges, flies and flashes in the eyes will be observed. With the involvement of the thoracic area, there is a burning sensation and stiffness in the chest, difficulty breathing, pain in the shoulder blade area.

Situations that require immediate medical attention

An urgent visit to the doctor requires back pain, which occurs in the following cases:

  • injuries;
  • neurological symptoms in the form of tingling and numbness in the limbs;
  • temperature combined with back pain;
  • numbness in the hands and feet, weakness and tingling sensation;
  • gait has changed or legs taken;
  • history of cancer;
  • weight loss for no apparent reason;
  • urinary and defecation disorders - a person is unable to control this process;
  • back pain radiating to the chest, jaw and neck;
  • confused consciousness and dizziness;
  • numbness in the genitals and weakness, "cottoniness" in the legs;
  • leg cramp;
  • pregnancy or erection problems;
  • problems with the gastrointestinal tract, where treatment by a gastroenterologist does not help;
  • pain in the tailbone, small pelvis, exacerbated by changes in body position;
  • increased pain with prolonged sitting or standing position.

An expert will help you find out the cause of the pain.


To identify the cause of back pain, a neurologist prescribes a comprehensive examination:

  1. Blood test. They help identify the presence of infection and inflammation in the form of leukocytosis and increased ESR. A decrease in hemoglobin will indicate anemia, which can have many causes and one of which may be cancer.
  2. MRI. . .Visualize the state of all components of the spine. Helps distinguish the type and nature of tumors, determine the distance between the vertebrae and the degree of root compression.
  3. CT. Identifying fractures, allows you to find the smallest fragments after an injury. All this in 3D.
  4. Radiography. The most cost effective way to diagnose back pain and identify the condition of bone tissue. It is prescribed for suspected fractures, arthritis, scoliosis, osteoporosis, spondyloarthrosis.
  5. Electromyography (EMG). Determining indicators of muscle bioelectric activity and peripheral nerve endings.
  6. Ultrasound of the cervical canal and brain. In triplex or duplex mode, it is used to assess the patency of blood flow through arteries and ducts. Their condition is checked - wall thickness, permeability, etc.

Treatment of back pain

There are several treatments for back pain. The neurologist will select the optimal treatment for you, taking into account the patient’s age, lifestyle, level of physical mobility and clinical manifestations.

In the medical treatment of back pain, NSAIDs, analgesics, muscle relaxants, B group vitamins are commonly used. Along the way, physiotherapy, exercise therapy, IRT, massage, spinal pull, muscle relaxation are prescribed.

For back pain, for high -quality treatment, it is advisable to consult a doctor.



  • learn to maintain your posture and stand properly;
  • do not bend;
  • keep your back straight while sitting, place the stand under your feet;
  • arrange the beds properly;
  • do not jump suddenly after waking up-stretch slowly, do simple exercises with hands and feet;
  • distribute the weight to both hands - don’t carry it all in one hand, push the bag over your shoulder - a backpack is better;
  • do not carry the child in your arms with a back bend;
  • lift weights by squatting;
  • do not wash the floor without a mop, bend forward or kneel;
  • balance your diet with adequate amounts of minerals and vitamins;
  • quit smoking and alcohol;
  • do not forget about physical exercises - swimming, Nordic walking, yoga;
  • contrast baths in the morning;
  • protects the liver, it produces collagen for the ligaments of the spine and vertebral body;
  • strengthen immunity;
  • weight control;
  • it is advisable to undergo a course of manual therapy for 5-10 sessions every 6 months (as recommended by a specialist);
  • avoid stress;
  • don't forget about health checks.

If you are experiencing back pain, see a doctor who can provide appropriate assistance. Remember, any disease is easier to treat at an early stage.